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Modeling Languages

  • For docs and communication
  • Important Part of any software dev process
  • It forms the basis of an iterative design process
  • It forms the basis of communication between different parties

Unified Modelling Language (UML)

  1. Use case diagrams
  2. Sequence diagrams
  3. Class diagrams
  4. State diagrams

Use Case Diagrams

Roles & Functionality

  1. The user can:
  2. li1
  3. li2
  4. The admin can:
  5. li1
  6. li2

Use Case Document


Name: Name of the use case Objective: Action of the use case Actor: Who carries out the action (primary), who is affected by the action (secondary) Constraints: the formal rules and limitations of a use case, defining what can and cannot be done Flow: Describe the interactions between the actor(s) and the system clearly enough for an outisder to easily understand - The flow of events should represent what the system does (not how)


Each actor has associated use cases that are used to document what the particular actor expects of the system.

Identifying the actors of a system should be done early in the life cycle.

Actors are captured, including - Who they repr - Why they're needed - What interests the actor has in the system - Chars of the actor - Name - Brief description - Relationships to use cases


  • Pre conditions: xxx thing has already run before yyy thing runs (Create before Edit). These must be observable states, these are not what triggers a use case.
  • Post conditions: zzz thing is always true after yyy thing runs (Consistent after Edit). Must be true regardless of the flow
  • Invariants: www thing is the same before and after yyy thing runs (ID)


  • Describe the interaction between the actors and the system clearly
  • What the system does, not how

  • Basic Flow (Most common path)

  • Alternate Flow (Alternate paths)
  • Exception Flow (When something goes wrong)

  • Describes how the use case starts and ends

  • What data is exchanged b/n actor and use case
  • UI should be left out of the use case
  • Flow over functionality When the actor...
  • Avoid vague terminology
  • Detailed flow (what happens when) - used for test cases



Use Case Diagrams

Shows the set of use cases, actors and their relationships. It contains actors, actions/use case, connection between use case/actions.

Use case diagrams represent system functionaltiy, the requirements of the system from the user's perspective


Actors are the object that provide or receive information from the system. Primary: proivdes, Secondary: receives

Use Case

Is a desc of the set of seq of actions that the system performs that yields an observable value to the actor. Should begin with a verb. Granularity of use cases is important, its not a sequence diagram

Use Case diagrams are not supposed to capture misuse cases (absuing system, hacks, security)



To Draw a Use Case Diagram

  1. Take a look at the requirement description to figure out the roles and functionalities
  2. Roles can be seen as the "actors" and "functionalities" can be seen as the "use cases". Example: The users can..., the Admins can...
  3. Pre conditions of the initial use cases can also become use cases if they are coarse enough
  4. Consider mis use-cases
  5. Whatever can prevent a mis use-case becomes another use-case