XS Operational Semantics
This is a formal description of how a well typed XS program runs.
1. Notation
2. Big Step Semantics For Expressions
2.1. Literals
let \(L\) denote a literal
\[\begin{matrix}{\tt (xsBssLit)} & \Delta \vdash L \Downarrow L \end{matrix}\]
2.2. Identifiers
let \(X\) be an identifier
\[\begin{matrix}{\tt (xsBssId)} & \Delta \vdash X \Downarrow \Delta(X) \end{matrix}\]
2.3. Parenthesis
{\tt (xsBssParen)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E \Downarrow L
\\ \hline
\Delta \vdash (E) \Downarrow L
2.4. Function Call (Expression)
{\tt (xsBssFncExpr)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash {\tt fnName} \Downarrow (\{{\tt (id_1, L_1), ..., (id_n, L_n)}\}, \bar{S})
& \Delta \vdash E_j \Downarrow V_j
& (\Delta \oplus ({\tt id_1}, V_1) \oplus ... \oplus ({\tt id_j}, V_j) \oplus ... \oplus ({\tt id_n}, L_n), \bar{S}) \Downarrow (\Delta', {\tt return\ (E_r)}; \bar{S}')
& \Delta \vdash E_r \Downarrow L_r
\\ \hline
\Delta \vdash {\tt fnName(E_1, ..., E_j)} \Downarrow (\Delta', L_r)
See ยง 3.9. Function Definition
2.5. Operations
{\tt (xsBssOp)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_1 \Downarrow L_1
& \Delta \vdash E_2 \Downarrow L_2
& \Delta \vdash L_1\ {\tt op}\ L_2 \Downarrow L_3
\\ \hline
\Delta \vdash E_1\ {\tt op}\ E_2 \Downarrow L_3
3. Big Step Semantics For Statements
3.1. Sequence
{\tt (xsBssSeq)} & \begin{array}{c}
(\Delta, S) \Downarrow \Delta'
& (\Delta', \bar{S}) \Downarrow \Delta''
\\ \hline
(\Delta, S \bar{S}) \Downarrow \Delta''
3.2. Include
let \(X\) be a named, well typed XS program
{\tt (xsBssInc)} & \begin{array}{c}
X := \bar{S}
& (\{\}, \bar{S}) \Downarrow \Delta_X
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt include}\ X;) \Downarrow \Delta \oplus \Delta_X
3.3. Var Def/Assign
let \(X\) be an identifier
{\tt (xsBssAssign)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E \Downarrow L
\\ \hline
(\Delta, X\ =\ E;) \Downarrow \Delta \oplus (X, L)
3.4. If Else
{\tt (xsBssIfT)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_c \Downarrow {\tt true}
& (\Delta, S_1) \Downarrow \Delta_t
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt if\ (} E_c {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S_1} {\tt\ \}\ else\ \{\ } \bar{S_2} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta_t
{\tt (xsBssIfF)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_c \Downarrow {\tt false}
& (\Delta, S_2) \Downarrow \Delta_f
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt if\ (} E_c {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S_1} {\tt\ \}\ else\ \{\ } \bar{S_2} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta_f
3.5. While
{\tt (xsBssWhileT)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_c \Downarrow {\tt true}
& (\Delta, \bar{S}; {\tt while\ (} E_c {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta'
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt while\ (} E_c {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta'
{\tt (xsBssWhileTBr)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_c \Downarrow {\tt true}
& (\Delta, \bar{S}) \Downarrow (\Delta', {\tt break}; \bar{S}')
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt while\ (} E_c {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta'
{\tt (xsBssWhileTCo)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_c \Downarrow {\tt true}
& (\Delta, \bar{S}) \Downarrow (\Delta', {\tt coninue}; \bar{S}')
& (\Delta', {\tt while\ (} E_c {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta''
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt while\ (} E_c {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta''
{\tt (xsBssWhileF)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_c \Downarrow {\tt false}
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt while\ (} E_c {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta
3.6. For
{\tt (xsBssForInc)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_1 \Downarrow L_1
& {\tt op} \in \{{\tt <, <=}\}
& (\Delta \oplus (X, L_1), {\tt while\ (} X {\tt op}\ E_2 {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S}; {\tt\ X++; \}}) \Downarrow \Delta'
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt for\ (}X\ =\ E_1{\tt ;}\ {\tt op}\ E_2 {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta' \ominus X
{\tt (xsBssForDec)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_1 \Downarrow L_1
& {\tt op} \in \{{\tt >, >=}\}
& (\Delta \oplus (X, L_1), {\tt while\ (} X {\tt op}\ E_2 {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S}; {\tt\ X--; \}}) \Downarrow \Delta'
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt for\ (}X\ =\ E_1{\tt ;}\ {\tt op}\ E_2 {\tt)\ \{\ } \bar{S} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta' \ominus X
3.7. Switch Case
{\tt (xsBssSwitchC)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_c \Downarrow L_c
& \Delta \vdash E_i \Downarrow L_i
& \min\limits_j L_j = L_c
& (\Delta, \bar{S}_j) \Downarrow \Delta_j
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt switch\ (} E_c {\tt)\ \{\ } {\tt case\ } E_1 {\tt\ :\ \{\ } \bar{S_1} {\tt\ \}} {\tt\ ...\ case\ } E_n {\tt\ :\ \{\ } \bar{S_n} {\tt\ \}} {\tt\ default\ :\ \{\ } \bar{S_d} {\tt\ \}} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta_j
{\tt (xsBssSwitchD)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_c \Downarrow L_c
& \Delta \vdash E_i \Downarrow L_i
& L_i \ne L_c
& (\Delta, \bar{S}_d) \Downarrow \Delta_d
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt switch\ (} E_c {\tt)\ \{\ } {\tt case\ } E_1 {\tt\ :\ \{\ } \bar{S_1} {\tt\ \}} {\tt\ ...\ case\ } E_n {\tt\ :\ \{\ } \bar{S_n} {\tt\ \}} {\tt\ default\ :\ \{\ } \bar{S_d} {\tt\ \}} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta_d
3.8 Break, Continue, Break Point, Debug
\[\begin{matrix}{\tt (xsBssBr)} & (\Delta, {\tt break;}) \Downarrow \Delta \end{matrix}\]
\[\begin{matrix}{\tt (xsBssCo)} & (\Delta, {\tt continue;}) \Downarrow \Delta \end{matrix}\]
Note: \({\tt break}\) or \({\tt continue}\) outside a looping construct is not allowed. \({\tt break}\) may be used in switch case blocks but is unnecessary.
\[\begin{matrix}{\tt (xsBssBrPt)} & (\Delta, {\tt breakpoint;}) \Downarrow \Delta \end{matrix}\]
\[\begin{matrix}{\tt (xsBssBrPt)} & (\Delta, {\tt dbg\ id;}) \Downarrow \Delta \end{matrix}\]
Note: \({\tt breakpoint}\) will pause XS execution with no known way of resumption. \({\tt debug}\) operational semantics are unknown
3.9. Function Definition
{\tt (xsBssFn)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_i \Downarrow L_i
\\ \hline
(\Delta, T_r\ {\tt fnName(T_1\ id_1\ =\ E_1,\ ...,\ T_n\ id_n\ =\ E_n )\ \{\ } \bar{S} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta \oplus ({\tt fnName}, (\{{\tt (id_1, L_1), ..., (id_n, L_n)}\}, \bar{S}))
3.10. Rule Definitions
{\tt (xsBssRule)} & (\Delta, {\tt rule\ ruleName\ ruleOpts\ \ \{\ } \bar{S} {\tt\ \}}) \Downarrow \Delta \oplus ({\tt ruleName}, \bar{S})
Note: Running a rule has the same semantics as a void function with no arguments.
3.11. Postfix
{\tt (xsBssPostInc)} & (\Delta, X{\tt ++};) \Downarrow \Delta \oplus (X, \Delta(X) + 1)
{\tt (xsBssPostDec)} & (\Delta, X{\tt --};) \Downarrow \Delta \oplus (X, \Delta(X) - 1)
3.12. Label, Goto
{\tt (xsBssLabel)} & \begin{array}{c}
(\Delta, \bar{S}) \Downarrow \Delta'
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt label\ id}; \bar{S}) \Downarrow \Delta'
{\tt (xsBssGoto)} & \begin{array}{c}
(\Delta, \bar{S}) \Downarrow (\Delta', {\tt goto\ id}; \bar{S}')
& (\Delta', {\tt label\ id}; \bar{S}) \Downarrow \Delta''
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt label\ id}; \bar{S}) \Downarrow \Delta''
3.13. Function Call (Statement)
\(({\tt xsBssFncStmt})\) same as 2.4. Function Call (Expression) with a terminating semicolon.
3.14. Class Definition
{\tt (xsBssClsDef)} & \begin{array}{c}
\Delta \vdash E_i \Downarrow L_i
\\ \hline
(\Delta, {\tt class\ clsName\ \{}\ T_1\ id_1\ =\ E_1;\ ...\ T_n\ id_n\ =\ E_n; {\tt\ \};}) \Downarrow \Delta \oplus ({\tt clsName}, \{ ({\tt id_1}, L_1), ..., ({\tt id_n}, L_n) \})
Classes are unused in XS and can't be instantiated afaik. This exists purely for completeness' sake.