XS Grammar¶
Syntax for production rules is:
\(A \to B\alpha\)
The following represent non terminal symbols: - uppercase letters
The following represent terminal symbols: - lowercase words/letters - greek symbols - keywords
1. Program¶
1.1. Literals¶
\(\text{NUM} \rightarrow \text{INT | FLT}\)
\(\text{VCT} \rightarrow \texttt{vector(}\text{NUM}\texttt{, }\text{NUM}\texttt{, }\text{NUM}\texttt{)}\)
1.2. Top Level Statements¶
\(\text{X} \rightarrow \text{I X | P}\)
\(\text{P} \rightarrow \text{RL P | FN P | V}_\text{top}\text{ P | }\epsilon\)
\(\color{gray} \text{X} := \text{XS script}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{I} := \text{Include statement}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{P} := \text{Program}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{RL} := \text{Rule def}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{FN} := \text{Function def}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{V}_\text{top} := \text{Top level variable definition}\)
1.3. Prelude¶
This consists of all the constants and functions described in
2. Statement¶
\(\text{S} \rightarrow \text{V}_\text{decl}\text{ | V}_\text{def}\text{ | V}_\text{asgn}\text{ | IE | W | F | SC | R | BR | CO | LBL | GT | DBG | BRPT | DP | DM}\)
\(\bar{\text{S}} \rightarrow \text{S }\bar{\text{S}}\text{ | }\epsilon\)
\(\text{B} \rightarrow \texttt{\{}\bar{\text{ S }}\texttt{\}}\)
\(\text{BS} \rightarrow \text{B | S}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{S} := \text{Statement}\)
\(\color{gray} \bar{\text{S}} := \text{Statements}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{B} := \text{Body}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{BS} := \text{Body or statement}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{V}_\text{decl} := \text{Variable declaration}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{V}_\text{def} := \text{Variable definition}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{V}_\text{asgn} := \text{Variable Assignment}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{IE} := \text{If (Else) statement}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{W} := \text{While loop}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{F} := \text{For loop}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{SC} := \text{Switch case}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{R} := \text{Return statement}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{BR} := \text{Break statement}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{CO} := \text{Continue statement}\)
\(\color{gray} \text{BRPT} := \text{Breakpoint}\)
2.1. Top Level Var Def¶
\(\text{V}_\text{top} \rightarrow \texttt{extern } \text{V}_\text{top}\text{ | }\texttt{const }\text{V}_\text{top}\text{ | }\texttt{static }\text{V}_\text{top}\)
\(\text{V}_\text{top} \rightarrow \text{DTYPE ID}\texttt{ = }\text{LIT}\texttt{;}\)
\(\text{DTYPE} \rightarrow \texttt{int | float | bool | string | vect}\)
\(\text{LIT} \rightarrow \text{INT | FLT | STR | VCT | BOOL}\)
Note: XS currently has bugs with defining top level strings and vectors
\(\color{gray}\text{DTYPE} := \text{Datatype}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{ID} := \text{Identifier}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{LIT} := \text{Literal}\)
2.2. Var Decl¶
\(\text{V}_\text{decl} \rightarrow \texttt{static }\text{V}_\text{decl}\)
\(\text{V}_\text{decl} \rightarrow \text{DTYPE ID}\texttt{;}\)
2.3. Var Def¶
\(\text{V}_\text{def} \rightarrow \texttt{const }\text{V}_\text{def}\)
\(\text{V}_\text{def} \rightarrow \text{DTYPE ID}\texttt{ = }\text{E}\texttt{;}\)
2.4. Var Assign¶
\(\text{V}_\text{asgn} \rightarrow \text{ID}\texttt{ = }\text{E}\texttt{;}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{E} := \text{Expression}\)
2.5. If Else¶
\(\text{IE} \rightarrow \texttt{if ( }\text{E}\texttt{ ) }\text{BS ELSE}\)
\(\text{ELSE} \rightarrow \texttt{else }\text{BS | } \epsilon\)
\(\color{gray}\text{ELSE} := \text{Else branch}\)
2.6. While¶
\(\text{W} \rightarrow \texttt{while ( }\text{E}\texttt{ ) }\text{BS}\)
2.7. For¶
\(\text{F} \rightarrow \texttt{for ( }\text{V}_\text{asgn} \text{ OP}_\text{rel} \text{ INT} \texttt{ ) }\text{BS}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{OP}_\text{rel} := \text{Relational operators}\)
2.8. Switch¶
\(\text{SC} \rightarrow \texttt{switch ( E ) \{ } \text{CASES} \texttt{ \}}\)
\(\text{CASES} \rightarrow \text{CASE CASES | DEFAULT CASES}_\text{no default}\text{ | } \epsilon\)
\(\text{CASES}_\text{no default} \rightarrow \text{CASE CASES}_\text{no default}\text{ | } \epsilon\)
\(\text{CASE} \rightarrow \texttt{case} \text{ LIT } \texttt{:} \text{ B}\)
\(\text{DEFAULT} \rightarrow \texttt{default :} \text{ B}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{CASES} := \text{Optional case statements with one optional default case}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{CASES}_\text{no default} := \text{Optional case statements only}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{CASE} := \text{case statement}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{DEFAULT} := \text{default statement}\)
2.9. Functions¶
\(\text{FN} \rightarrow \texttt{extern}\text{ FN | }\texttt{mutable}\text{ FN}\)
\(\text{FN} \rightarrow \text{RTYPE ID ( ARGS}_\text{formal}{ ) } \text{B}\)
\(\text{RTYPE} \rightarrow \texttt{void}\text{ | DTYPE}\)
\(\text{ARGS}_\text{formal} \rightarrow \text{ARG | ARG, ARGS}_\text{formal}\)
\(\text{ARG} \rightarrow\text{DTYPE ID = LIT | } \epsilon\)
\(\color{gray}\text{RTYPE} := \text{Return type}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{ARGS}_\text{formal} := \text{Formal Arguments}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{ARG} := \text{Argument}\)
2.10. Return¶
\(\text{R} \rightarrow\texttt{return ( } \text{E} \texttt{ );}\)
\(\text{R} \rightarrow\texttt{return;}\)
2.11. Rules¶
\(\text{RL} \rightarrow \texttt{rule}\text{ ID RPS B}\)
\(\text{RPS} \rightarrow \text{RP RPS | } \epsilon\)
\(\text{RP} \rightarrow \text{RP}_\text{act} \text{ | } \text{RP}_\text{grp} \text{ | } \text{RP}_\text{sfq} \text{ | } \text{RP}_\text{xfq} \text{ | } \text{RP}_\text{rim} \text{ | } \text{RP}_\text{pty}\)
\(\text{RP}_\text{act} \rightarrow \texttt{active | inactive}\)
\(\text{RP}_\text{grp} \rightarrow \texttt{group} \text{ ID}\)
\(\text{RP}_\text{sfq} \rightarrow \texttt{minInterval} \text{ INT | }\texttt{highFrequency}\)
\(\text{RP}_\text{xfq} \rightarrow \texttt{maxInterval} \text{ INT}\)
\(\text{RP}_\text{rim} \rightarrow \texttt{runImmediately}\)
\(\text{RP}_\text{pty} \rightarrow \texttt{priority} \text{ INT}\)
Note: only one of each parameter can be present in a rule def, this needs to be a linting time check, unfortunately its not possible to bake it into the grammar
\(\color{gray}\text{RPS} := \text{Rule parameters}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{RP} := \text{Rule parameter}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{RP}_\text{act} := \text{Active state}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{RP}_\text{grp} := \text{Group}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{RP}_\text{sfq} := \text{Min frequency}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{RP}_\text{xfq} := \text{Max frequency}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{RP}_\text{rim} := \text{Run Immediately}\)
\(\color{gray}\text{RP}_\text{pty} := \text{Priority}\)
2.12. Postfix¶
\(\text{DP} \rightarrow \text{ID}\texttt{++}\)
\(\text{DM} \rightarrow \text{ID}\texttt{--}\)
2.13. Include¶
\(\text{I} \rightarrow \texttt{include }\text{STR}\texttt{;}\)
2.14. Break¶
\(\text{BR} \rightarrow \texttt{break;}\)
2.15. Continue¶
\(\text{CO} \rightarrow \texttt{continue;}\)
2.16. Label Def¶
\(\text{LBL} \rightarrow \texttt{label }\text{ID}\texttt{;}\)
2.17. Goto¶
\(\text{GT} \rightarrow \texttt{goto }\text{ID}\texttt{;}\)
2.18. Function Call (Statement)¶
\(\text{FNCS} \rightarrow \text{FNC}\texttt{;}\)
2.19. Debug¶
\(\text{DBG} \rightarrow \texttt{dbg }\text{ID}\texttt{;}\)
Note: I don't know what this does in XS, its valid syntax though.
2.20. Breakpoint¶
\(\text{BRPT} \rightarrow \texttt{breakpoint;}\)
Note: This will pause XS execution. I don't know if its possible to resume execution/if this keyword is useful.
2.21. Class¶
\(\text{CLS} \rightarrow \texttt{class } \text{ID} \texttt{ \{ } \text{MEM\_VARS} \texttt{ \};}\)
\(\text{MEM\_VARS} \rightarrow \text{DTYPE ID}\texttt{ = }\text{E}\texttt{;} \text{ MEM\_VARS | } \epsilon\)
Note: I don't know how to use classes in XS, its valid syntax though. The furthest I've gotten is declaring a class variable: \({\tt ClsName obj;}\). Initialising it or accessing member values doesn't seem possible.
2.22. Docstring¶
3. Expression¶
\(\text{E7} \rightarrow \text{LIT | ID | P | FNC}\)
\(\text{E6} \rightarrow \text{E7 | E6 }\texttt{*}\text{ E7 | E6 }\texttt{/}\text{ E7 | E6 }\texttt{\%}\text{ E7}\)
\(\text{E5} \rightarrow \text{E6 | E5 }\texttt{+}\text{ E6 | E5 }\texttt{-}\text{ E6}\)
\(\text{E4} \rightarrow \text{E5 | E4 }\texttt{<}\text{ E5 | E4 }\texttt{>}\text{ E5 | E4 }\texttt{>=}\text{ E5 | E4 }\texttt{<=}\text{ E5}\)
\(\text{E3} \rightarrow \text{E4 | E3 }\texttt{==}\text{ E4 | E3 }\texttt{!=}\text{ E4}\)
\(\text{E2} \rightarrow \text{E3 | E2 }\texttt{&&}\text{ E3}\)
\(\text{E1} \rightarrow \text{E2 | E1 }\texttt{||}\text{ E2}\)
\(\text{E} \rightarrow \text{E1}\)
3.1. Parenthesis¶
\(\text{P} \rightarrow \text{(E)}\)
3.2. Function Call (Expression)¶
\(\text{FNC} \rightarrow \text{ID(ARGS}_\text{actual}\text{)}\)
\(\text{ARGS}_\text{actual} \rightarrow \text{ARGS}' \text{ | } \epsilon\)
\(\text{ARGS}' \rightarrow \text{E | E, ARGS}'\)
\(\color{gray}\text{ARGS}_\text{actual} := \text{Actual Arguments}\)