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XS Tokens

The following is a list of XS tokens

1. Operators

1.1. Arithmetic Operators

\(\text{PLUS} :=\ \texttt{+}\)

\(\text{MINUS} :=\ \texttt{-}\)

\(\text{STAR} :=\ \texttt{*}\)

\(\text{FSLASH} :=\ \texttt{/}\)

\(\text{PCENT} :=\ \texttt{\%}\)

1.2. Prefix/Postfix Operators

\(\text{DPLUS} :=\ \texttt{++}\)

\(\text{DMINUS} :=\ \texttt{--}\)

1.3. Relational Operators

\(\text{LT} :=\ \texttt{<}\)

\(\text{GT} :=\ \texttt{>}\)

\(\text{LE} :=\ \texttt{<=}\)

\(\text{GE} :=\ \texttt{>=}\)

\(\text{DEQ} :=\ \texttt{==}\)

\(\text{NEQ} :=\ \texttt{!=}\)

1.4. Boolean Operators

\(\text{AND} :=\ \texttt{\&\&}\)

\(\text{OR} :=\ \texttt{||}\)

2. Punctuations

\(\text{EQ} :=\ \texttt{=}\)

\(\text{LBRACE} :=\ \texttt{\{}\)

\(\text{RBRACE} :=\ \texttt{\}}\)

\(\text{LPAREN} :=\ \texttt{(}\)

\(\text{RPAREN} :=\ \texttt{)}\)

\(\text{SEMICOLON} :=\ \texttt{;}\)

\(\text{COLON} :=\ \texttt{:}\)

\(\text{COMMA} :=\ \texttt{,}\)

\(\text{DOT} :=\ \texttt{.}\)

3. Literals

\(\text{INT} :=\ \texttt{-999999999} \text{ to } \texttt{999999999}\)

\(\text{FLT} :=\ \texttt{-?\d+.\d+} \text{ where } \texttt{\d} \text{ is a digit}\)

\(\text{STR} :=\ \texttt{"\w*"} \text{ where } \texttt{\w} \text{ is a unicode character}\)

\(\text{BOOL} :=\ \texttt{false} \text{ or } \texttt{true}\)

\(\text{ID} :=\ \texttt{[a-zA-Z\_][a-zA-Z\_0-9]*}\)

Note: Vectors are part of the grammar and are not treated as literals


4.1. Single Comment

\(\text{CMT} := \texttt{//[\^ \\ n]*}\)

4.2. Multiple Line Comment

\(\text{CMT} := /* .* */\)

XS Keywords

every XS keyword is a token

XS Keywords